

A souler who exudes kindness and handles life with care, and teaches the balance of energy.

FAGGOD (fag/gäd)

Acronym: Fabulous Amazing Gorgeous God

A souler who uses alchemy to transmute bad (words, feelings, vibrations) into good on a cosmic and or conscious level.


Acronym: Grand Ordered Design

Is an energetic process of creating energy and letting it flow to create infinite energy (example: cells inside cells inside cells inside cells).


Is knowing your actions will mirror themselves to you to give you clarity on how to better navigate actions and energy. knowing how to cycle out what you’d like to cycle in.


A living thing in capable of feeling emotion.


Is a being who understands that all is all and that Culture, race, ethnicity, and religion (any organized group)are things that create sameness and not oneness.


An officious person who tries to pull you into a compartmentalized way of thinking and or being.


A being that spiritual assists in this world to help raise the awareness of good in others.


A consistent ongoing action of transmuting.


Living in a space of alignment and awareness consisting of but not limited to the mind, body, heart and soul.

How Soulers say “the” to zhuzh up conversation.